Compliance with GDPR

Our GDPR team specializes in personal data protection law and provide legal assistance related to the compliance of our clients with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They are involved in statutory compliance and risk mitigation practices of our clients related to the data protection legal and ethics framework, while being in charge of conducting training seminars in order to ensure privacy awareness of our clients’ staff and harmonize their operations with the provisions of the GDPR, while providing consulting support as part of our company’s duties as Data Protection Officer (DPO). They undertake the conduction of data protection impact assessments in the areas of health, cyber security, food and energy, in cooperation with bodies mainly on a national and European level, carry out the procedures foreseen before the competent Supervisory Authority to ensure the protection of the data protection related rights of our customers and represent them, in the formulation of privacy policies and any other type of policy related to privacy.